Bauman Wellness Blog
Rock Star Lung and Respiratory Health
Learn how to strengthen your lungs to stay well during the winter season with Angela Marie, Nutritional Health Coach with Natural Grocers.
Ways to Be Well w/ Dr B
In his conversation with Lauren Bryson in Episode 5 of the podcast, Go Play in the Dirt, Dr. B discusses how compromised our food systems have become and why there is such a great need to go back and play in the dirt, produce and eat local, community-based food. Dr. B outlines how intricately connected the gut and immune system are and goes over specific foods and herbs to support your immune health.
Dr B joins Go Play in the Dirt
Tune in for Episode 5 of the podcast Go Play in the Dirt as Lauren Bryson interviews Dr. Ed Bauman, Founder and Executive Director of Bauman Wellness, on ways to be well.
Justice in the Body: From Awareness to Action
Join us on Fridays from Nov 11-Dec 2, 2022 for Justice in the Body: From Awareness to Action. Learn about the intersection of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in relationship to wellness.
The Artist Within: Creative Expression
Join us on Thursdays from Nov 10-Dec 8, 2022 for The Artist Within: Creative Expression. Learn to engage in creative play to awaken and ignite your inner artist, contributing to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Affordable Nutrition: Healing from the Ground Up
Join us on Tuesdays from Nov 8-Nov 29, 2022 for Affordable Nutrition: Healing from the Ground Up. Learn to become passionately involved in creating your health and the health of your family, as a result of improving diet choices and habits.
Personalized Nutrition is the Future
Join Julie Matthews for her 30 Minute Workshop on emerging trends and best practices around individualizing diet and nutrition to meet people’s individual needs. Learn what you need to know to be most effective in your nutrition practice.
The Deeper Meaning Behind Sensitivities
Foods and environmental sensitivities are on the rise, and these sensitivities can tell us so much more about what could be going on within the body. We can learn to live with these ever-changing sensitivities, or we can get to the root of WHY they are there....and how to clear them!
A Conversation with the Expert - speaking event series starting November
Join us for the first of many in-person gatherings with the experts which will both educate and inspire. Doctor and scientist, Dr. Robert Lustig is our first guest.
Honoring Original Indigenous Inhabitants
Land acknowledgment is a traditional custom that dates back centuries in many Native nations and communities. Today, land acknowledgments are used by Native Peoples and non-Natives to recognize Indigenous Peoples who are the original stewards of the lands on which we now live.
Universal Music Day Challenge
On the second Saturday in October, Universal Music Day invites the general public to gather together and make music. It is also a day for people to express themselves in other creative ways.
Community Conversation w/ Lauren Bryson, BCHN
View a community conversation with Lauren Bryson, BCHN and Certified Wellness Facilitator with Bauman Wellness. Also, check out the launch of her new podcast, Go Play in the Dirt!
October is Emotional Wellness Month
Since 2004, wellness advocates across the U.S. have recognized October as National Emotional Wellness Month. Blogger Angus Whyte shares Seven Tips for Improving Emotional Wellness.
Honoring the Rhythm of Autumn
The team at Bauman Wellness shares the following artistic inspiration as we move into this new season.
Celebration of the Fall Equinox
Community honoring the rhythms of the seasons is a great way to come together with a common vision. Join the Bauman Wellness Community for a virtual celebration of the Fall Equinox. Bring a picture/painting, piece of music, writing selection, or other artistic offering that you find inspirational for falling into Autumn.
Taking a GIANT Leap into Wellness!
Highlights of Bauman Wellness making it’s debut at the San Francisco Giants 2022 Health and Wellness Expo at Oracle Park in San Francisco!
Fall into Wellness!
Join Bauman Wellness this September-December for our Fall Trainings and Events, which include a kick-off celebration of the Fall Equinox, virtual workshops in healing foods, social emotional arts and diverse community collaboration, plus weekly lunch and learns, on-demand/self-paced videos and courses and networking opportunities via a supportive online learning community.
Effects of Green Tea Extract
Avery St. Onge, the Associate Editor of Integrative Practitioner, shares a recent brief study that examines the effects of a green tea extract (standardize dose) to support microbiome health and blood sugar stabilization.
The Label Reading Trilogy
If you are an eater, don’t miss this accessible and action-oriented training presented by Mira Dessy, NE, The Ingredient Guru!
Protect Reproductive Freedom
Aviva Romm, MD comments on the historical decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs Wade and how this judgement will effect women’s safety in all aspects of reproductive health.