Affordable Nutrition
Healing from the Ground Up
Affordable Nutrition
Welcome to Affordable Nutrition: Transform Your Health, Transform Your Life!
Are you ready to embark on a journey towards a healthier and more vibrant you? Look no further than Affordable Nutrition - a groundbreaking course designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to embrace a whole food nutrition lifestyle without breaking the bank.
📘 Live Classes: 4-Week Course, 192-page e-book, Interactive chat, & Weekly Zoom classes
Understand and apply Eating for Health™
Know your Nutrition Heroes and Bandits
Keep a food expense log (this will be shocking)
Set a food budget and see where your food dollars are going
Comparative shop for quality, price, and value
Meal plan for yourself and your family
Know the difference between a portion and a serving
Read food labels
Avoid packaged food with high sugar, salt, and fat content
Clean up your pantry; toss out stale food, herbs, and spices
Cut down on plastic
Inventory your kitchen equipment: toss what is old, dull, and not used
Preparing more healthy home cooked meals
Honoring your ancestral dietary heritage: staple, power, and celebratory foods
Eating well at work and on the go
Self Paced Course Cost: $89
The aim of Affordable Nutrition is to motivate, educate and support learners to become passionately involved in creating health, as a result of improving their diet choices and habits.
What Can You Expect from Affordable Nutrition?
Learn to eat well on a budget
Learn how to source, prepare, cook and enjoy seasonal local food, purchased fresh at food stands, farmers’ markets, in community supported agriculture (CSA) boxes, or from stores who offer whole food at a reasonable price.
Bauman Wellness offers partial scholarships based upon need and a desire to bring Affordable Nutrition and Integrative Wellness Solutions to diverse communities, schools, clinics, churches and the workplace. Contact bewell@bauman-wellness.org for more information.
Dr. Ed Bauman
Joni Toombs
Nutrition Educator