Wellness for All
We will work together to create a new normal to manifest a vision of wellness for all people, the planet and for generations to come. Rooted in love, unity, and restorative health building practice, wellness is the remedy to heal our wounded world.
Bauman Wellness has affordable wellness programs we can customize and share with diverse communities. We are inspired to do this work from the bottom of our hearts as we see our family and neighbors suffering under the weight of a toxic culture, environment, and food system.
Everyone wants to be well. Most people don’t know how. They lack unbiased information, caring support and a social network that embraces wholeness, healing, and diversity. Community is the catalyst for each of us to reclaim our sense of value, kinship and will to live.
For those of us fortunate enough to be well, we must address the inequity and injustice around us to transform society and not turn a blind eye to poverty, corruption, and disintegration. Alone, we can enjoy moments of peace, albeit, amidst a backdrop of preventable suffering. Together, we will work to raise our community and global Wellness IQ and gain critical mass to achieve systematic change. This is the task before us.
Be a Lifeline for Bauman Wellness
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ― Pablo Picasso
Your payments will enable us to present empowering programs to children and families in marginalized communities.
Speak with us about being an individual or corporate sponsor for a special population.
Be a partner help fund programs to empower mental wellness, youth and family wellness, senior wellness, disease prevention and recovery.
Connect Bauman Wellness with partners, sponsors, and people of means who share our vision and goals.
Our goal is to offer programs to individuals and communities who can’t afford our normal suggested prices. Thanks for helping us achieve this.
Thank for your support and collaboration.
— Dr. Ed Bauman
Thank you for co-creating a world of well beings.
“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Mahatma Gandhi
Please pay-what-feels-right for any of our programs, based on our suggested list price. Or purchase a Bauman Wellness membership or program for a friend or a community member in need.
Institute for Educational Therapy, (IET) doing business as Bauman Wellness, is a California non profit corporation, incorporated on April 23, 1984. It has received its IRS 501(c)3 issuance letter on October 30, 1984.
From 1989 to 2020, IET ran Bauman College, which is committed to individual and collective healing through quality education in integrative health. National Holistic Institute announced the acquisition of Bauman College from IET in June, 2020.
We appreciate your support as we transform towards being a self-sustaining, service-oriented, non-profit member of the wellness community.
IET is overseen by a board of five directors, including four independent members.
IRS ID# 94-2944848. Check us out at Charity Navigator and Guidestar.
In the spirit of wellness for all, we invite you to pay what feels right for our activities.
We accept payment before or after your activity, based on the value you receive.
We appreciate your support for our facilitators and non-profit.