2022 Holistic Nutrition Teach Back


Join Bauman Wellness members and Bauman College graduates who will offer a presentation inspired by their attendance at the annual NANP Conference & Expo, hosted by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals.

Thursdays on the following dates:

  • June 16th, 11:00am PT: "Eating Like A Human" - Lauren Bryson

  • June 30th, 12 Noon PT: "Why Are You Wearing ALL the Hats?" - Mira Dessy

  • July 7th, 12 Noon PT: "Join an Integrative Healthcare Clinic to Reach More Clients and Become an Expert" - Erin Livers

  • July 21st, 12 Noon PT: "Diet and Dermatology" - Christi Louderback


June 16th, 11:00am PT: "Eating Like A Human" - Lauren Bryson (based on presentation by Dr. Bill Schindler)

Conversations around the different dietary approaches one should follow leaves everyone confused. But, the secret to becoming healthier, losing weight, living an energetic life, and healing the planet has nothing to do with counting calories. The answer is simply re-learning how to eat like a human. We’ll look at how food preparation methodologies that we’ve developed over millions of years have shaped who we are as a species and remained the key to our health in the modern world.

About Lauren Bryson, BCHN
With a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a professional background in the non-profit sector, Lauren’s underlying mission in life has always been to help people. She is board certified in holistic nutrition, a health coach, wellness facilitator and kids cooking instructor. Lauren understands the therapeutic value of real, nutrient dense food and also recognizes the impact that environment, stress and mindset have on overall health. She discovered the world of holistic healing during her own personal health crisis and has first hand experience with healing imbalances within the body using nutrition and lifestyle practices. She works with clients 1:1 through her holistic nutrition business Lauren Emerson Wellness where she helps clients achieve their health goals.


June 30th, 12 Noon PT: "Why Are You Wearing ALL the Hats?" - Mira Dessy

Are you feeling tired and burnt out? A little crispy around the edges? As a solopreneur you may fall into the trap of thinking you have to do everything yourself. Sometimes it might seem easier that way. Chances are you think you’re too busy, no one can do it like you, or it’s too expensive to hire someone else. That’s actually not going to help you grow your business. Discover which hats you really want to wear so you can delegate the rest and build a practice that won’t leave you feeling depleted and worn out.

About Mira Dessy
The Ingredient Guru, is a nutrition educator, author, and popular public speaker who teaches about the relationship between what’s in what we eat and chronic health issues. She mentors clinical clients to incorporate this foundation information into their work, to be more efficient, and to help them grow their practice. Mira is a member of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals, the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Additionally she is on the Board of Directors for the American Holistic Health Association and is a member of the Professional Advisory Board for the Turner Syndrome Society. She can be found online at theingredientguru.com


July 7th, 12 Noon PT: "Join an Integrative Healthcare Clinic to Reach More Clients and Become an Expert" - Erin Livers

If owning your own nutrition consulting business leaves you feeling overwhelmed with little time and energy for working with clients, then consider joining an Integrative Healthcare Clinic. This presentation will guide you how to create collaborative relationships and work as a practitioner (as a staff member or by referral) in integrative healthcare clinic settings.

About Erin Livers
As a nutrition therapist, Erin Livers empowers her clients to cultivate a mindful relationship with their body, nature and nourishment. She believes what you eat, think and how you live are potent forms of disease prevention and medicine. Whether she’s counseling, teaching, writing, cooking or creating, she’s dedicated to bringing nutrition more fully into our healthcare system by partnering nutritionists with doctors. Erin teaches students, mentors new nutritionists, partners with medical professionals, guides clients to health and gut health with her Revitalize Digestion Gut Healing Program, and has authored many books and popular seminars. Find her at revitalizedigestion.com.


July 21st, 12 Noon PT: "Diet and Dermatology" - Christi Louderback (based on presentation by Julie Greenberg)

Successfully treating chronic skin diseases poses a challenge to all health care providers. A comprehensive treatment plan should ideally include dietary recommendations for patients, but knowing what exactly to tell patients to eat (or what not to eat) for specific derm conditions can feel like guessing without having hard data. This presentation will arm nutritionists with the most current research on which foods are beneficial for and detrimental to patients with acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and even wrinkles!

About Christi Louderback
Christi is a certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition® with over 14 years of experience in the health industry. My mission is to improve the health of individuals, communities, and our planet through nutrition education and sustainability practices. Since 2016, she has worked with hundreds of clients in individual and group settings, including nutrition consultations, grocery store tours, nutrition presentations, and group programs. In 2017, she created and led two detox programs: The 7 Day Summer Reset and the 7 Day Winter Reset. In her current position at Natural Grocers, she oversees the Nutrition Department for 21 health food stores throughout Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. By providing leadership to Nutritional Health Coaches in the Southwest, she is honored to support other nutrition professionals in sharing their knowledge and passion with their communities. Christi is an honors graduate of Bauman College Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts, and a member of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP). Complementary certifications include Certified Gluten Free Practitioner Training with Dr. Tom O'Bryan and Level 1 Cleansing and Fasting Specialist through the Energetic Health Institute.